Monday, January 30, 2012

32 weeks and 3 days

My mom, mother in law, and a few others wanted to see my big twin belly. I am 32 weeks and 3 days today which means less than 6 weeks left for me since my dr wont let me go past 38 weeks. Woo hoo! 


Dipsy said...

Thanks Miranda! How could anyone so huge be so cute! That is a very dear picture of you.
Love you!

Miriam said...

Almost there, Miranda! Almost there! And then you WON'T BE PREGNANT anymore! I honestly don't even know how you can walk upright anymore!

Can't WAIT to see those baby boys!


Carrie said...

you look gorgeous!

Heather said...

cutest pregnant girl ever!

ML said...

Yeah! You look adorable! Home stretch!