Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Last month I finished my first semester at Mission College where I am taking graphic design classes. I thought I would post some of my final projects.

 For my InDesign class we had to make a booklet and then make a second booklet from the template of the first one. I decided to do it on different sewing stitches. I called the series "Stitchionary". One book is on how to do a blanket stitch and the other is on gathering.

For my Illustrator class we had to do a technical drawing of something. I did my sewing machine. I love my Janome! She has been good to me.

For my Photoshop class I edited an old damaged picture of my grandpa. He was a surveyor and a true outdoorsman.

They all still need a little improvement, but for my first semester I am pretty proud of myself.


Unknown said...

Great work! I especially love the stitchionary. Great idea!

Marzipan said...

Wowzers! Define "technical drawing...." cause that looks like a photo to me...

ML said...

Nice work, Mirby Sue! I'm proud of you too!

Heather said...

You continually amaze me. And I love the picture of Grandpa Harry! Did you show Mom?