Saturday, January 15, 2011

Laminate Floors

This is what Ryan and I did this Saturday. It's my craft room and if the floors last we will see about doing the whole house.


Maureen said...

So freakin awesome! I loved your video!! How much $ did it set you back?

Really great job guys, you'd make Dad proud!

LizzyHouse said...

that's great and everything, but that industrial blue carpet sure looked good...

Ryan said...

You guys have done such a great job with your house! I love the video, too! So fun to watch!

So was it hard? It looks great! What's the verdict as to the rest of the house.

Megan said...

Cool! I liked how the sun moved across the floor while you were eating lunch:)

Lalomanusand said...

I LOVE YOU even more! You guys are amazing and that video rocks!